Der Flügelflagel gaustert /
durchs Wiruwaruwolz, /
die rote Fingur plaustert, /
und grausig gutzt der Golz.
The Death of Venus. Num. 26/50 Ex.
Vincent Fitz Gerald, New York 1983
Beard, Mark - Sitwell, Edith
The Death of Venus. New York, Vincent FitzGerald & Co. 1983. Hrsg. u. Einl. v. M. Feingold. 57 S. in losen Lagen mit 6 mont. handkolor. Lithographien sowie 1 vierfach gefalt., sign. und num. Lithogr. von Mark Beard. 4° in handgearb. Leinenkassette m. Titel in Silberpräg. u. Lederrücken. - Num. 26/50 Ex., vom Künstler sign."`The Death of Venus" is a revision and expansion, with much previously unpublished material, of Dame Edith`s long poem `Elegy on Dead Fashion`. Left unfinished during the great transformation that came over the poet's work in late 1920's, it is here published for the first time,.. printed as a portfolio on Rives 'BFK' paper. The text is handset in Bembo by Dan Kelleher of the Wild Carrot Letterpress, with title page calligraphy by the artist. The portfolio is enclosed in a handmade box of museum-board by Gerard Charriere and Carol Joyce, of green silk and linen outside, with natural grey calf spine in the shape of a three-dimensional column, the title hand-lettered in silver
the interior of the box is lined with a three-color silkscreen after a drawing by the artist on blue Kennet linen."
Mit besonders kunstvoll gearbeiteter Kassette. Exemplare befinden sich u.a. im Besitz des Victoria and Albert-Museums und der Harvard University. (VFG Nr.3)
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